What distinguishes us
aquabench is the partner and companion of utilities in water services. aquabench assists with benchmarking and consulting services wherever questions are asked about quality, efficiency and sustainability in the processes and management of drinking water, wastewater services and general water management. Together with utilities and municipalities we identify sustainable and innovative solutions. We communicate up-to-the-minute industry knowledge and generate valid and relevant measured variables. In doing so we lay a reliable foundation for your decisions. In the implementation of process optimisations and the adaptation of management instruments, we accompany you in an advisory function with our many years of experience.
- are professionals and know the industry and the solutions for successful businesses like the back of our hand
- communicate up-to-the-minute knowledge and the best practises of the industry to our customers
- operate nationally and internationally from two locations.
We work at two locations with flat hierarchies. With our mix of engineers, natural scientists and economists and their many years of practical experience, we assign flexible project teams to realise your goals.
The trust and the active collaboration of our customers shape the quality of our services. Customers are often not just clients but also partners. Their knowledge and experience contribute not only in benchmarking projects towards the painting of an increasingly fine and solid portrait of the industry – as an ideal basis for orientation or as a knowledge store for everyone.
- Over 800 national operators from the water resources wastewater management industry have participated in our projects so far (cf. benchmarking und consulting projects).
- Our customers include European operators from Belgium, Poland, Switzerland and Austria.
- Federal and state ministries use or support aquabench services, both in research and in the distribution of management instruments.
- Professional associations and organisations use our experience for the further development of management instruments:
- The DWA (Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V. [German Water Resources Management, Wastewater and Waste Association]) and the DVGW (Deutscher Verein für das Gas- und Wasserfach [German Gas and Water Trade Association]) were supported by research work done by aquabench.
- ACWUA – aquabench supports the Arab Countries Water Utility Association in the development of performance indicator systems, the training of managerial staffs and the establishment of its own benchmarking approach. more...
- FNCCR – aquabench supports the French association of public communal companies in the execution of a benchmarking in water resources and wastewater management. more...
- GIZ "Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit [International Co-operation Society]": In various training courses, workshops and conferences, aquabench supports the GIZ in the training of managerial staffs from water resources management worldwide and develops innovative performance indicator systems with local partners. more...
- KfW "Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau [Reconstruction Loan Corporation]": aquabench supports the KfW in the establishment of a performance indicator system for the international development co-operation. more...
- The World Bank – in an project for the World Bank, aquabench analysed the system of a South American regulator and, based on experience from benchmarking in Germany, developed elements of a complete benchmarking cycle for future practice. more...
Work groups and associations
We actively put our knowledge to use in the work of industry associations. At national level these include:
- DVGW Technical Committee W-TK-2-7 "Benchmarking", since 2014
- DWA Expert Committee WI-1 "Questions of principle / new developments", since 2015
- DWA Work Group WI-1.1 "Industry image, benchmarking, balanced scorecard", since 1999
- DWA Work Group KA-12.2 "Personnel costs for the operation of communal wastewater treatment plants", since 2012
- DWA Work Group WI-1.3 "Economic effects of structural changes", 2008-2015
- DIN-DVGW joint committee "Drinking water" NA 119-07-02 AA "Organisation and Management", since 2014
aquabench is also a partner of international actors in the water industry:
- European Benchmarking Cooperation – as a regional partner of the European Benchmarking Cooperation we support German-speaking participants in the established benchmarking project of the European water resources management.
- European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Action Group „Benchmarking“ – bundles the know-how of the benchmarking specialists in Europe and develops new applications.
- IWA-Specialist Group „Benchmarking and Performance Assessment“ [Management Committee] – is a network for discussion and the development of benchmarking methods in water services.
- ISO TC 224 “Service activities relating to drinking water supply systems and wastewater systems“ – unites experts from global water services to work on the standardisation needs from the point of view of water industry.
- European Water Association (EWA) – unites European water experts. At different levels aquabench supports discussions within the member associations as well as with European authorities and even the European Commission on benchmarking.